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Senior Arpeggione

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There were many reasons for wanting a senior course including the most important issue of Arpeggione dates clashing with GCSE's, AS and A levels. August seemed a good time for the older ones who will have just started all their new courses and could do with a musical interlude. Also it was the natural progression for those who have grown through Arpeggione to have something to move onto with all their friends.


The aim of the senior course will be similar to the intermediate course with the inclusion of technique classes, concerts, chamber music and masterclasses, but on the senior course we will focus on preparing for music college auditions for those who need it, and hopefully a chance to meet some teachers from the different music colleges. These teachers will be tutoring on the courses anyway and it will give people an opportunity to ask questions about the different colleges and chat informally. If there are many children auditioning for colleges there may be more masterclasses but this will be adjusted according to people's requirements. Also those not wishing to play in the classes are of course welcome to listen. There will still be lots of opportunities for ensemble playing and of course a concert at the end.


This course will be adapted to suit everyones needs, from those wanting to be soloists, those wanting to play chamber music in a beautiful place or those violinists who would like to experience the viola for the first time.


Violinists should be encouraged to realise the enormous benefits of playing the viola and therefore we will be lending violas to those who wish to try our taster course (minimum standard Grade 8). This will include an easy approach to reading the alto clef and an introduction to the different playing techniques of the viola, and of course plenty of chamber music. Places for the taster course are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

10th - 14th August 2025

Further details TBC...



The Hall Milden, Brent Eleigh, Sudbury CO10 9NY

London Concert: 15th August 2025
Course Fees £640

Viola players aged 12 -18 years and violinists wishing to try the viola (Grade 8 and above).


Course fees £640

To secure a place for the August 2025 course, please send the application form plus £100 deposit by April 1st.


Fill out the form here

Further details TBC...

Teachers for 2024 course


Concerto Competition

The concerto competition piece for 2025 is TBC...

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